
Chromatic scale

The following table lists pitch classes for Turkish music, 17 notes for folk music on the left, 24 for classical music on the right, with the 12 common pitch classes between them highlighted.

Meaning of the columns:

  1. Folk — 17 chromatic notes of Turkish folk music.
  2. – Diatonic name with accidental followed by comman size of accidental.
  3. JI – A just interval approximation of the 53TET pitch (relative to C/Do).
  4. CommasHoldrian commas above C/Do.
  5. Cents – Pitch interval in cents above C/Do.
  6. Classical (high/LOW) – 24 chromatic notes of Turkish classical music.

Click on a row in the list to play the pitch it represents.

FolkJICommasCentsClassical (high/LOW)
Cb1 75/38521177.36dikbuselik
B#2 76/39511154.72
B#1 25/13501132.08
Bb1 15/8481086.79segah
Si b2 Bb2 24/13471064.15
Bb3 31/17461041.51
Bb4 9/5451018.87sunbule/DIKKURDI
A#3 7/443973.58
A#2 26/1542950.94
A#1 41/2441928.30
Ab1 5/339883.02sehnaz/DIKZIRGULE
La b2 Ab2 28/1738860.38
Ab3 13/837837.74
Ab4 8/536815.09sehnaz/ZIRGULE
G#3 14/934769.81
G#2 20/1333747.17
G#1 38/2532724.53
Gb1 40/2730679.25mahur/DIKGEVEST
Gb2 19/1329656.60
Gb3 13/928633.96
F#4 45/3226588.68evic/IRAK
Fa #3 F#3 25/1825566.04
F#2 512/37524542.40
F#1 27/2023520.75asiran/Dikacem
E#3 21/1621475.47
E#2 13/1020452.83
E#1 32/2519430.19
Eb1 5/417384.91Dikhisar
Mi b2 Eb2 16/1316362.26
Eb3 11/915339.62
Eb4 6/514316.98Hisar
D#3 75/6412271.70
D#2 144/12511249.06
D#1 256/22510226.42
Db1 10/98181.13Dikhicaz
Db2 800/7297158.49
Db3 27/256135.85
C#4 256/243490.57Nimhicaz
Do #3 C#3 25/24367.02
C#2 128/125245.28
C#1 81/80122.64


Çârgâh makam (TTBT)(TTB)

Bûselik makam (TBTT)(BTT)

See also
